Marketing communication that makes the difference

Karlöf Kommunikation delivers professional business-to-business marketing communication that provides clear results. Our areas of expertise are Strategy, Content och Interim Management.


Karlöf Kommunikation is characterised by the ability to understand our customer’s business strategy, business model and surrounding environment and transform this understanding into effective, result-oriented, marketing communication. This ability is the basis for making clear analyses and developing comprehensive communication plans that ensure that the customer does the right things in the right way.

Doing the right things

There are many leaders, academicians and consultants who emphasise that strategy is only a smaller element in success; that the primary and foremost element is the ability to act, to ensure that things happen. That is true. But formulating the right strategy is about ensuring that we do the right things – that we do the right analyses, that we prioritise our resources wisely and implement the right efforts.

When Karlöf Kommunikation develops communication and marketing strategies, the basis for our work is a combination of thorough analysis, creativity and experience.

”Karlöf has both a major strategic insight and the ability to transform strategies into practical results.”

We assist you in

Content Marketing

In today’s communication saturated world it is all about reaching out, creating value for and engaging your audience. That sounds easy, but is difficult and challenging. The challenge is to talk about what is important, interesting, relevant and valuable for your target groups and to use channels that have a high level of credibility. This is the essence in successful Content Marketing, CM.

Karlöf Kommunikation’s experienced consultants has extensive experience in producing articles, reports, marketing magazines, newsletters and other journalistic communication in close cooperation with our customers employees.

Please contact Stefan Karlöf for more information and references.

”Karlöf Kommunikation’s professional editorial team produces the magazine Supply Chain Effect, which is distributed to more then 7,000 readers, including our 2,500 members. Our cooperation is distinguished by efficiency, creativity and constant development.”


Over the years we have been entrusted to work for many different clients in different industries and sectors. A few examples of our work within content marketing:

Supply Chain Effect

Business magazine, Supply Chain Effect, targets + 7,000 leading executives and specialists who work in key roles in the supply chain; in other words, purchasing, logistics, production and sales. The magazine is issued six times per year and the digital newsletter, Supply Chain Weekly Update, is distributed 42 times per year.

Tidningen Footprint

Corporate magazine, Footprint, was developed by Karlöf Kommunikation in cooperation with Swisslog. The content of the magazine is primarily focused on delivering high reading value and useful information for readers. Footprint is published in Swedish and English.

SC Partner

Customer Magazine SC Partner reaches more than sig 2 500 readers within logistics, transport and supply chain. The magazine’s sender is Sonat, a Swedish knowledge company specializing in logistics outsourcing and supply chain management. The magazine is issued 2-4 times per year.

Bygg säkert med cellplast

EPS, or cellular plastic, is more familiar to the general public as Frigolit; a material that is increasingly being used in the construction industry as insulation for foundations, walls and roofs.

Tidningen Flow

Flow Magazine yearly collects happenings, case stories and in-depth articles in the field of food & beverege linked to distribution and logistics. The magazine’s sender is JF Hillebrand Logistics AB, a subsidiary of the global Hillebrand Group.

Interim Management

Management for hire

Doing the right things (strategy) is vital. But doing things right, that is managing and implementing our strategies and plans are of course crucial. Karlöf Kommunikation is engaged as marketing/communication managers and project for shorter as well as longer assignments.

The foundation for our interim management is extensive experience from management positions within these areas and project responsibility for broad communication efforts.

”For eight years, Stefan Karlöf was the marketing and communications manager at Sonat. Through the years we have continued to work together with Stefan since he has a great deal of competence within marketing and PR as well as within supply chain management.”

“Stefan Karlöf is our “insourced” marketing manager. Based on a deep understanding of our business and market development he creates and implements marketing- and communications efforts of high quality and with excellent impact.”


Contact Stefan Karlöf for more information or to arrange a personal meeting.